What do Jonbennet, Chandra & Laci have in common? The Gary Condits!


Tuesday, June 18, 2019

A visit to the Notre Dam in summer of 1977 by an Army buddy of mine and I. Now I know what he and the Priest were taking about, as the arson was preplanned.

The spire of the Louvre in Paris burning as it was meant to, I was told, to direct the flames upward, and preventing the main building from being destroyed.

I'd been ordered in 1977 to accompany SP4 (Later a Secret Service Agent for operational reasons, and I believe now a Boston Drug Task Force Officer) Brian Larkin on a vacation to France from our duty assignments in Germany.   He especially wanted to go to Paris, and to see the Louvre.  Once there, he directed me to study the stained glass windows and had a conversation with a Priest.
He'd cussed to himself, muttering "I can't believe they're going to make him a Warrant Officer..." Outranking him.
As usual when presented a weird scene, I just ignored it. It would be decades before the true nature of my future duties would be.  After all this time, I'm certain what they now are. 

He'd asked the Priest, "Are you sure these papers won't be burnt in the process?"
The Priest had answered, "I'm sure. I'll put them in the vault under the cross, where they will be safe."
He'd continued:  "This place will burn on the designated time, for the Muslims are long coming. And all the timbers above are very old and very flammable. We'll have a team ready to take out all the valuables, but we can't do anything about the organ.  It's too heavy, and built into the structure.  It'll probably get some water damage to the electronics.
But they've foreseen all this and actually planted a forest of Maple trees to make the reconstruction with long ago."
Only recently has President Trump returned from a trip to the Normandy beachhead, and I'm sure what he found in the buried floor of the famous pill box, for I also remember Dick Cheney helping to pour the concrete over a box.
Hopefully, Obama never found that when he renovated the cemetery.

Larkin seemed satisfied, and he told me to go into the chapel where the American Church was, and to wait.

The American Chapel from their website, not really mentioned in the news about the fire.

I remember a bunch of ladies who mentioned something about being wives of American Embassy Officers, and how they'd been ordered to come here.
"Is my dress 'Timeless' enough?"  Asked one of them.
"Yeah, looks OK to me."  Replied another.  Others filed in.
If I were to hazard a guess the above photo was taken from a photographer seated right beside me, as is the very same ladies.  He'd been seated to my right, and I note the above public photo is one of those "Hidden in Plain Sight" things.
As a Human Study on the Manchurian Candidate Effect (That is to say, "Can one be programmed to remember, repress, and later act on orders given, even decades later?") it has enormous ramifications on Dir. Colby's testimony before Congress that year on the numbers of same within Congress.
They laughed him out of his job, but they gave him funding for a "Long Term Study."
I'm that Study, specifically because I was bred to have the Celiac's Disease genes that are required to do so.  Not by US Agencies, but rather a famous STASI General, Markus Wolf. 
Hence the built-in "Carrot and Stick."
And this long-term effort should well be a cornerstone in the creation of Term Limits for our politician system, and a great step backwards to a Constitutional Republic as we started out as.
Hopefully I'll get paid my promised built-up pay, rank, and benefits before I die of old age.  Sen. Enzi is supposedly looking into this, at least according to his aide, Nikki Brunner.  (But then, he suddenly resigned!)
I've lived a frugal and very controlled life as if an undercover investigator (A test on Posse Comitatus), was forced to have a "Legend Wife," and no real family at all.  The Food Bank is where I shop, as a matter of fact, and thank God for Food Stamps!
I can, however, see the overall timing is what is going on, particularly in goose-step with the events in the Western Pacific, Iran, and Red China.  I guess I'm being held in reserve.   They've failed in taking over our nation from within through corruption, and the comeback consequences are going to be obvious.
What I've noted is the massive hits on my blogspot especially from readers in France since the fire, and I take that as an indication that they've found the hidden documents.  I wouldn't be surprised to get a call from President Trump, himself, one of these days. I think he'll want to compare birth certificates - Before I was adopted.

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