What do Jonbennet, Chandra & Laci have in common? The Gary Condits!


Sunday, April 19, 2015

Wyoming State Hospital Evanston's so-called Suicides- By the Men In White Coats

Reply to Wyoming Public Radio's propaganda push for "Title 25" shorter waiting list to be committed to the Wyoming State "Nut House" Hospital system without jury trial. (Typos corrected 5/23)

Know the real reason they're spending tons of money to tear down the old building and building a new one?  For one, the peculiar lay-out of the cells allowed for the perfect social crime:  The dispatching (Maybe for hire, I don't know) of those most eager to have someone assist them in a "Suicide by the men in the white coats," one of which  I believe I had witnessed.
Note that this issue has been the actual "Suicides" reputation of the structure they've quietly - but expeditiously - torn down and replaced.  Maybe their families thought this "Humane?"
It boils down to how one certain room in a cul-de-sac (Cell #4) was used for the "Noisy and violent" inmates , and also the "Sleep Medications" would be super maxed on certain nights to that no one knew what could be going on during "Force Feeding" and the like.  I clearly remember one inmate making a written complain about it.
Choking on one's own vomit could be listed as an "Heart Attack," I suspect.  Unwitnessed except by a probable co-conspirator in the control booth.  I overheard a strange conversation the next day.
I had refused all medication, so...  What I heard one late late night...  Scared the living Hell out of me.
Is that why I get "Treated Special" these days? 
And they've torn the structure down, I guess. All evidence - And any potential devastating lawsuits - Destroyed by the acts of the Wyoming Legislature.
Any family members who have lost their own there and suspect this - Not to mention their lawyers - Please feel free to contact me at rickahyatt@gmail.com or 307-321-3371.  No Shrinks need call. I don't do Psy Evals, and would not "Talk" there even when incarcerated to the longest term Judge Eiken was legally allowed (Then) to do.  I was long ago ordered to not be, while in the Army.
Wouldn't you know the VA goes to lengths to get me to "Talk?"
I only talked a bit after, in a conference call with the Shrink, the appointed Defense Attorney and, Judge Eiken was I threatened with a "Chemical Frontal Lobotomy."  The whole supposed purpose for being sent there?  To see if I could "Stand Trial" for a charge I'd already long over served time for.
The real reason?  The things I was saying publically of a political and corruption nature...
(One of which was the deep nature of the Communist infiltration of our system pursuant to Red China soon coming... Oh, and now it's being proven true...)
Now, believe this at your own risk. I've been undercover since I was sent to ground long ago from Enlisted US Army Military Intelligence, and you can Google the reasons why if you wish.
But, to wit, my "Witness Protection Program" has always meant my life has been very carefully shunted by government agencies.
(Sounds "Paranoid," right? What perfect cover!)
A certain US Army espionage psychiatrist and agent handler Capt. Timothy Berigan, (Hold on, it gets better!) has long played roles in where I work, who I had to marry and stay married to, even to where I've lived.  The best "Make work" they could give me was "Undercover Investigator."
I've mostly been used in the oil field trucking industry as a truck driver to make reports about safety and fraud issues that I've sent to US Sen. Enzi.  I understand it's had an enourmous effect.
Part of my "Cover" was to be set up for a first-time DUI and  put in jail for 8 days - Which, thanks to Judge Eiken, and the Defense Lawyer appointed to me, and a special waiver she tricked me into signing,  turned into SIX MONTHS incarceration INCOMMUNICADO. And - The Nut House.
In about 2002 Berigan actually drove me to the Wyoming State Hospital in Evanston and showed me room #2, where he said that they would sent me to, eventually.There are deeper reasons as to why I had to actually put through the ordeal, and "Tested."
For what that I am not.  A long story, but very important.
Certain features of the room were kept, like the graffiti on the door window, so I would later recognize it, even though it was undergoing restoration work at the time. A certain workman was introduced to me so as he would later point me out.
Also, I was told that a certain Graft, a matter where a ranking  female official there conspired on a long term fraud to exploit a known plumbing problem. It specifically had to do with room #2.
The Graft meant that the inmate of Cell #6 literally had to live in the shit that (Literally) flowed downhill because of a known plumbing defect.  Room #2 was kind of on top of the incline.
By State contract, she would call a certain plumbing company who would charge for "Emergency services," late at night.  All caused by a little blue disposable mechanic's rag.  Which they'd conveniently leave behind to eventually re-clog up the works for the next time.
They did that one late night when everyone was "Deeply Sleeping," and I was moved next door due to "Emergency Plumbing repairs."  By a woman who clearly was a senior office worker, and one particularly mean male "Social Worker."
I asked to be moved back the next morning, and that's when a brand new blue disposable mechanic's rag floated up in my toilet.  I flushed it - And all the plumbing problems repeated themselves the next week.  Enormously.
Capt. Berigan had said I would come probably to witness same, which I did, so I could report it, a reflection upon my true veracity.
Bet she got a lot of kickbacks all these years!
And it only cost the State about $1,000 a day to keep me there!  So that I could have my veracity tested - Or ruined? By having been put there?  What other Political, military, criminal, or other truths have I told they don't want out?  It's enough to drive one crazy!)
That the Leftist Media is "Clamoring" to have "Shorter waiting lists for Title 25" is merely but bait for the public to open the door to Hitler or Stalin-like concentration camps based upon Political incorrectness.  Don't fall for it, especially if you're Jewish, politically-incorrect, a whistleblower of high level political corruption (Let's talk 0bama), or loyal to the Constitution of the United States.
Or own too many guns or even one at all. Or are a trained Veteran.  They REALLY hate that.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Where a true copy of 0bama's Birth Certificate is hidden - In plain sight!

OK, I just had a writing brainstorm. Let me pass it by you.  Here's the first few paragraphs, and if you wish to read the entire mini-chapter, a link to my blog where I'll see what general reaction I get.  I'm getting lots of hits on my blog from Ukraine, Russia, Europe, etc., and maybe this is why:
Remember for the sake of legality, this is a "Fictitious work based on real experiences."  It's in 3rd person, a fictitious person named "Dick" who is also related to Barrack Obama through their mutual father, an East German Master Spy, Markus Wolf.

    So they were coming for him! Dick could tell.  It was the way he'd used the WorkForce Center computer to look for jobs, and they'd used his psychological profile against him.  What was Facebook, anyway, what was Twitter, why did one's cellphone take pictures of onesself by itself? And track one's movements?
    He'd had a temporary job like that before, working at an RV Park. But this interview had went SO wrong. 
    A familiar face he couldn't place, with a new hairdo.  A pointed, psychological sharp edge on the woman, as if to provoke, repel, or anger him.  A pointed, but dull and flat conversion with a couple who "Showed up" she pretended to discuss common things with, but acted as if they were reading memorized lines dreampt up by some psychologist.  But the purported RV Owner didn't know she had to purge a new propane tank right from the store!? It had oxygen in it to prevent internal rusting, and that had to be let out before it could be filled!
    Bizarre.  Most espionage events are.
    But she seemed to "Know it all," and "Be in charge," so later demanded Dick go "To the Sheriff's offce - No the jail, to get a Criminal Background Check for this new job application," something employers usually did themselves.
    It frightened Dick greatly.  THAT booking room, THAT step into a Incommunicado six months term he'd gotten for having tried to report what he knew, before?  THAT was a one-way street!  It had ruined him completely and he was only now trying to come back from the experience.
    A false, set-up, framed, FIRST TIME DUI in his own vehicle.  SIX MONTHS, while they'd tried to get him to talk about - Well, never mind. An unrelated matter.
    Her exact and precise words had been mirrored by the WorkForce Center manager when Dick had went there, instead.  Word for word.  THAT named RV Campgound did criminal checks by having...  No one else did.
    And they wanted him to WALK RIGHT IN!?
    MAYBE THEY FINALLY WANTED THE MICRODOTS!  Call him "Nuts," again, and force a surgery on him.  It had happened before~
    Oh, and Dick had never told anyone about this.  People just assumed one was crazy. And that was his "Cover," anyway.  Perfect, right?  Unneeded hernia surgery, tongue surgery, teeth uglified, hell, the Judge had even threatened a chemical frontal lobotomy if he didn't talk!
    Ah, so long ago...  It was in Germany in the '70's, when he'd been told that someone could be made to have part of their tongue cut out to constantly remind them, "Don't talk."
    And it had actually happened to him, in 1984.

    His former boss and agent handler, CIA Director GHWB, had already made that big political jump, and had become Vice President.  So a plan got put into operation.
    He'd been told that, some day, it would be neccessary, and a "Constitutional Crisis," actually, for SCOTUS to decide:  Could a person be cut against their will to have material remove that could constitute a "Human Bomb?"     Something about Pastique micropellet embedded siliconic gel, like women use to get bigger boobs and butts.  Only a bit more explosive.
    Yes, also a "Constitutional Crisis," to decide on Soetoro's birth certificate...
    Oh, yes, Dick had returned from that surgery with a HUGE stomach!  A HUGE glob under his chin!  The nurse had told him he'd been taken to a military base for his operation while out, but Dick only knew a day was missing from his conscious life.
    Any attempts to get his past military medical records were returned with "Your records are being held by an unnamed Agency, so cannot be retrieved."  So no disability.
    His wife had had to buy him new shirts, and his co-workers at Hyatt Regency Taxi had all laughed and commented upon his "Reverse Liposuction!"
    Especially the head, Darelene Johnson.
    But!  This!  This was brilliant!  This was the epitome of the espionage method of "Hiding in plain sight!"
    He had also been told way back when that it was known, in the '70s, that the enemy would come to take power in the US.  Have access to all otherwise secret and hidden information, even that held by the CIA, and Courts.  So, a lot was planted to give them everything THEY WANTED TO SEE.  The Clintons, especially, reveled in what they "Found," thinking such was such great blackmail material on the former Director. 
    Why, their pet project, a bred-from-birth Communist Manchurian Candidate, would be allowed to rise to the Office of President, an Indonesian named Barry Soetoro.  He would work to destroy that Office.
    Oh, Dick could remember Secret Service Agent Brian Larkin giving his own and that of Soetoro's Birth Certificates to HI Judge Richard Komo in a special sealed hearing, in 1994.  BEFORE that name, Soetoro, meant anything.
    It was to be sealed in the Phoenix Federal Court until it was all over.  Meaning now.  But did it survive, without being tampered with, altered, destroyed, rewritten?
    This was a test of the Judicial System's own integrity.
    For Dick held - In plain sight! - Right under his skin in his belly and chin where any new scars would show tampering!  Millions of microdots of just that and so much more.
    They must want it back, now, to compare to what paperwork was now before SCOTUS was true and valid, or not.
    And so what the hell - Just offering Dick his past promised military rank and pay wouldn't work for them.  Cops and the like only believe they get is true and real, if they steal it, or trick someone out of it. Or take it by force.
    There had once been a day in America, when you could trust cops, and authorities.


Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Why SCOTUS is delaying Obama's Ineligibility status - Has to do with me being endlessly investigated

Well, my story is a long one,  but it really boils down to having had my life subverted to a Cause much greater than my life is worth, so how can I complain? It starts with an inheritance as an espionage matter, turns into who my bio-father was, and to whom else he bred for his Manchurian Candidate long-term spy ring.  All identified by "Jewels," such as "Sapphire," "Diamond," "Ruby," "Topaz," "Turquoise," and so on.
Obama should have been called "Ebony," but that's actually a wood.
Well, I will complain some...
My ife is full of having been the subject of espionage hypnotism because of this, which MOST unfortunately makes me the cause of extreme interest by those who would profit from government grants and money to STUDY my ass... And/or probe for more lucrative political blackmail material. A "Wavier" I signed in 1977 out of fear (I was told I had to or if I didn't I might end up in prison for the works of a professional Serial Killer For Hire, Gary Condit), I was under the effects of drugs (They generally would give me a shot of something before any hypnotic session I was to memorize the events of), and to boot, my genetic specialty: They always made sure I was Celiac Symptomatic, that is, heavily glutenized in diet, for that compounds the deep hypnotic effect.  "Under Duress."  An invalid contract.
In other words, totally illegal for them to continue to invade my life and privacies at all, even if it were ever so to begin with.  Yes, it was operationally necessary at the time, and I was also signed in with rank and pay I've never seen, BUT WITH AN END TERM!  It should be OVER, and it's not!
So, from being ordered to follow certain behavioral aspects that would fool yet entice the known infiltration agency known as the American Psychological Association, who have made my life miserable for eons, back in 1977 to events along the way:
They can't tell, by their own reports and studies, the difference between their ever-so-convenient "Criteria" of "Mental Illness" and hypnotically-induced behavior.  So, they are powerless in the hands of any Manchurian Candidate, and further, have no interest in finding out any of them in our government structure, anyway.
The APA fully supports their activities in their general work of subverting our country through Socialism and demoralization of our moral base, to begin with. Their Dr. Spitzer, in the '70's, was the first one to espouse Homosexuality as "Normal," as if it were, which it isn't.
(That PSYOPS theme, like "Feminism," was the brainchild of former STASI Gen. Markus Wolf UI came to find out. Read on...)
So, no surprise that they think - As well they (And especially the Clintons) were definitely entrapped in; The idea that I "Show signs of homosexual abuse."  Which said deliberate orchestrations laid well into FBI, Army, German, Hawaiian (Thusly CHICOM), even KGB files, were sure to be found by them as the political tide would turn.
And they'd be drooling to exploit same, on a prominent Conservative in particular, my then prime Agent Handler.
Here's an example of the long laid orchestration:  This is a photo of myself with famous NATO COSMIC TOP SECRET Spy, Rainer Rupp.  Google me for more.
From Day One when I arrived in Germany in 1976, he called me on the phone and asked if I would not spend weekends with him, as he claimed to be a distant German relative of mine.  My boss approved. I had no idea that he was a suspected mole that I was to be run against.  Bottom line?  What do you think the weekends together at his "Mom's" place in Schwabing later looked like?  Especially after I was ordered to give him bogus stuff?  Which turned into HI Judge Komo locking up my life for 20 years in this above-mentioned "Study" in 1994?  As if major Security Breaches?  Or a cover-up of something ghastly, so terrible, that could ruin Conservatism in general if it got out?
I remember how well Rainer fabricated the above hand on my shoulder routine that day.  They'd hired a known double agent photographer to take these photos so that such would end up in certain hands. Rainer claimed he'd hurt his leg, and needed the support.  I was in a big blue funk because this was after I found out what he really was, but had been turned, and had undergone an ordered hypnotic session there that day, as ordered to do.
Gen. Wolf was the main operator in that, that day.  Along with below named US Army Dr. Capt. Berigan.
It was October, 1977, but it had been orchestrated as an "Easter Bonfire" for reasons that tie in this April 3rd, as a matter of fact.
(Good Friday, it's also the day Ted Kaczynski was arrested.  A whole story here about what he has kept secret all this time about a murder of a DLI Director in 1975.  Here he deliberately poses with his hands as if handcuffed, or so the conversation went at the time -(In 1975 at DLI! When he was in the US Army, and one of my Handlers!)  The deal they cut with him keeps him and what he knows safe in SuperMax, of course.

(Third from left.  4th face from left is another long story.)
What I refer to is the long line of murders that were committed by the aforementioned Serial Killer that Judge Komo sentenced ME to "Treatment" for.   It never stops. I'll never have a normal social life, I fear.  I now explain:
So, I had to marry a Filipino sex worker and exploiter of men who hated the fact that she'd been told I was "Queer."  She had two sons, but neither by me, because of that. I had to live with that until the day would come that I'd be free, and it never has.
Once, I decided to get a CCW from Idaho, which meant I'd have to drive there to get it.  She pushed the idea, but insisted we stay at a motel on the way there.  I was surprised that she demanded that we stay at the Key Motel in Rawlins, WY, only one hour into our trip.
A familiar face suddenly showed up, who gave her a written message and imparted that such stay overnight would be a future "Key" to me.  Mnemonics.
As I'd been ordered to obey Her as if a supervisor in the field, I hated whatever it was she was again up to, but had no choice. (On the road home, she insisted we drive in a blizzard, having the kids buckle up, hoping I'd crash the car and camper. We did jackknife, but I controlled it.)
As I'd been ordered to do during that period, I stayed glutenized with real beer, and she helped immensely to make sure I did.  So, when I answered the door in the middle of the night at the motel, I was in no mood to go with two men who insisted I go with them to a local certain restaurant for something.
The kitchen was empty, but it would be only for a short time for my visit, they said.
They put me in hypno, I guess, because I remember the details so vividly.  Probably another of those little blue pills I've been given so much of in my life.
They showed me three sinks (3 being an important mnemonic to me) with special qualities to remember.  One could only get scalding hot water and one only cold.  How it was the "Company way," I had to remember in that I would some day end up working there, to always change out the greasy washing one, but to siphon off the floating grease when possible. To always use the sanitizing sink, even when greasy.  And other things of note.
Why, there would be "Steve!"  Where was "Steve?"  Well, he had to leave already, so they showed me how I'd recognize him.  Going outside to the broken concrete sidewalk behind the dumpster, they took a large kitchen knife and proceeded to (Un) sharpen it on the broken concrete.
Bizarre, bizzare, bizzare...  But it was to be my Fate, my "Script" so well written out in advance.  In view of the above mentioned "Higher Things."  I hated it. I tried to put it all out of my mind.
Yes, my life has been constrained and arranged by government agencies, and I've learned well that there is no individual freedom left in America, any more.  Certainly not for me and my advancing old age. By hook or crook, I've always ended up working at where She has sent me to, or by they, or both.
This "Steve," of course, designs to be "My best buddy," that I now find myself working there.  It seems I'm suppossed to be "Taken under his wing" about Life and such and God Knows What Else.
I guess there are those who see this as "My natural habitat," for continued "Study" and "Treatment."  Why, I'm given "Knives to play Pantry worker with," and introductions to seemingly willing waitresses (My sexual orientation?), or, lately encouragement to work with "The crew," one of whom seems rather "Effeminate..."  Or "Verbal engagement" with the druggie sorts, there.
You know, based on their compilation of my "Psychological Profile."
Yeah, they in their convulsed Shrink minds, WISH TO SEE past "Homosexual abuse" that perhaps "Led to my own slicing and dicing of those individuals."  They ignore evidence, facts, reports, actual events, and even unsealed secrets in their desire to impose "Impressed memories" on me, or the like, I take it.
So that said "Blackmail," which has been the protection of Barry Soetoro's rise and stay in power by making untouchable his real birth certificate.... Would remain as if valid.
But it's not.  He's ineligible, and right now SCOTUS has it before them.  What are they waiting for, then?  Some work that I'd WANT to continue this travesty of "Treatment?" HELL, NO!  I want my back pay, rank, and other things as well.Freedom from these KGB sorts.
I remember well, so long ago, that I'd one day play a role in a "West World," or "Twilight Zone" sort of episode, at the end, a "Gauntlet," or rehashed "Basic Training," where I'd be put back into physical shape, which this work has done. And it is certainly that bizarre.
Now, there's a new slew of "Psychologially-based influences" there I'm bombarded with I won't even get into.  But the overwhelming use of resources and personnel to perform this orchestration only reflects upon the severity of the espionage issues that were so long-laid.
SCOTUS now has two "Constitutional Crisises" before them.  One is not where 0bama was born, but who, exactly his real father is: Former high ranking Master Spy STASI Gen. Markus Wolf, a man who obviously had no good intent for our Constitutional Republican form of government. He was as bona fide Communist as you can get.
The other has to do with another military duty I was made to perform: To be a human guinea pig in a surgical manner, one that could be detailed by former US Army Dr. Timothy Berigan, if he'd only come on out and give the details. It's an explosive story, so I won't go into it here.
He holds, figuratively, the "Key" to it all.  He's supposed to be down at Ft. Huachuca, AZ, I'm led to believe. And he knows where the paperwork is buried.
Ever so conveniently so, Berigan is an espionage Shrink. He was the one, in my "Fictitious novel, based on real events," OBAMA IS A MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE AND SO AM I, that diagnosed the works of one particular murder by the Condits.  So, when Komo ordered me to TAMC back then, it was Berigan who classified my very real experiences, of which he even took part, as "Delusions."
Which became part of my "Psychological Profile."
While calling me at the same time, of "High intelligence."  Ordering me to stay married to that woman for a certain term, as my Agent Handler.  Having me sign promotion papers, even though I was long out of Enlisted Service as sworn to something else. Screwing up on a nighttime Intestinal Biopsy, to prove Celiac's Disease.  He gave me a stomach ulcer by accident, as well.
But said medical records cannot be found by the National Personnel Records Office, as they are "Being held by an unknown agency."
And I'm being pursued by the VA, naturally.  What do you think they'd do with me if they could?  They have tried before, as in 1994. So have local authorities.
Berigan later reappeared in my life as "Bill Oberst," of "Oberst Trucking," in Lingle, WY, and before that as "Clay Carrier," Maitre D' of  Barons' Restaurant at the Saratoga Inn, and the like.  Jobs my "Wife" told me to take.  More "Interviews," more paperwork hidden away in places.
So now that we're past that strategically important date of Easter of this year, and how the enemy could have used such as a timing of terrorist import (Especially the Muslims), and yet SCOTUS holds the key, will we soon see the end of this farce? 
Once 0bama is declared ineligible, will the S*** really hit the fan!  Economically, militarily, and nationally.  Historically, even.
One would of course ask why 0bama has been thusly counter-run the entire time, but that would bring up why the CHICOMs have had our Presidents killed since JFK on...  The newly released Pillsbury report says it it.  Find it on the Internet.